

New Erdenstern album in the works

If you have been following Stargazer’s World for some time now, you probably already read a few reviews of music suitable for roleplaying sessions. Aside from various soundtracks there are a few musicians...

May 31, 2010

Roleplaying music: Into the Grey

Erdenstern has recently announced the release of their sixth album of their “Into the …” series. This time they venture into the worlds of SF and Cyberpunk with “Into the Grey”. Here’s an...

March 22, 2009

Roleplaying music: Elyrion Soundtrack

Elyrion is an upcoming german steampunk fantasy roleplaying game. It will be released in the coming days, probably on SPIEL ’08 in Essen. There will also be an official soundtrack composed by Erdenstern....

October 20, 2008