Sagas of Midgard

I am lucky enough that in my day job I both work from home and work entirely online. What this means is that I could be pretty much anywhere in the world as...

April 22, 2019

Ballad of the Pistolero

A friend of mine has, completely by chance, been working on a Wild West RPG called Ballad of the Pistolero. I say completely by chance because the topic only came up when I...

April 12, 2019

I think I finally “get” Fudge

Since I first discovered it many years ago I have been struggling with Fudge. There are aspects I love like it’s skill system and dice mechanic, but other parts of the game totally...

April 11, 2019

Easy NPC Reactions

Michael recently posted about the 3hex style of starting a game off easily with minimal prep. I thought I would share a technique that makes for interesting and sophisticated ‘common’ NPCs but without...

March 23, 2019